Tuesday, April 27, 2004

This is so loony-sounding, it's starting to make sense (which says a lot about my thought processes). I read it three times, trying to decide if he's kidding. Foreign policy to please the "Left Behind" contingent? "So here we have a major political constituency - representing much of the current president's core vote - in the most powerful nation on Earth, which is actively seeking to provoke a new world war. Its members see the invasion of Iraq as a warm-up act, as Revelation (9:14-15) maintains that four angels "which are bound in the great river Euphrates" will be released "to slay the third part of men". They batter down the doors of the White House as soon as its support for Israel wavers: when Bush asked Ariel Sharon to pull his tanks out of Jenin in 2002, he received 100,000 angry emails from Christian fundamentalists, and never mentioned the matter again." (Pertinent to nothing, my favorite sentence is the one about "the marvellously named DeLay-Doolittle Amendment, postponing campaign finance reforms.")


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