Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Can Dems remember how to speak Religion?
Amy Sullivan has a terrific article in Blueprint. Here's a taste:
So for the past few decades, conservatives have redefined what it means to be religious, what the right values are, and what morality means. And Democrats have let them. This is, we have learned, a critical error. Staying silent has not meant that religion stays off the agenda. It has meant that conservatives have the opportunity to determine how it will become part of the agenda. That, in turn, has meant arguments over displaying the Ten Commandments, keeping the phrase "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and allowing school prayer, instead of debates over how to care for the poor, protect God's creation, or other more substantive issues...

When it comes to religion, Republicans have a media strategy, outreach, and code words. But what they don't have is political substance that reflects their religious commitment. And that's where Democrats have an opportunity. The Democratic platform -- issues Democrats already care about -- reflects the values of many religious moderates and progressives; yet many of them have been voting with Republicans simply because they feel more welcome in that party. The dirty little Republican secret is that they rely on religious rhetoric and strategy because they have to. If they don't, Americans might notice that they're not walking the walk when it comes to policy. They're not caring for the sick, the poor, the widowed, the orphaned. They're not acting as stewards of God's green earth. They are suffering the little children, but not in the way that Jesus meant.
A convenient case in point (and here).

Bush doesn't even GO to church...
...but the press is obsessed with whether Kerry deserves to commune?

No holding back in "Le Figaro":
"By daring to address such a mediocre response to the members of Congress, the Defense Secretary revealed to the world the face of the team managing Washington, the face of stupidity."

Torture coverage proves liberal media bias!
Well, in a way, it took the Right Wing Media an unusually long time to amp this up...

Remembering those lost...
Another opportunity to reflect on American lives lost in Iraq...


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