Monday, February 28, 2005

This is a funny piece on Chief GOP Language Strategist Frank Luntz. The timing is perfect. Yesterday I heard Rick Santorum (R-PA) on Meet the Press utter the banned "privatization" word: he was explaining the benefits of what he called - oopsie! - "private accounts". But Mr. Objective Moderator, Tim Russert, helpfully corrected Santorum to get him back on message with a follow-up question. Here's that part of the exchange:
SEN. SANTORUM: ...That's what private accounts solve. They give us the ability to have higher benefits without tax increases in the future because you pre-fund the liability and let the miracle of compound interest solve that problem in the future.

MR. RUSSERT: But private accounts, personal accounts, Senator, alone do not solve the solvency problem...


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