Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Bush: The Anti-Buddha? --
The writer of this thoughtful Alternet feature likens Bush to the anti-Buddha (first ticking off a nauseating list of this administration's "achievements") and reflects on a Buddhist dilemma:
How does a student of the Dharma deal with the rising temptation to wish ill will on the perpetrators of such shocking and detestable undertakings? To the specter of four more years of Bush, what is an appropriate Buddhist response?

Do you suppose he'll just donate that faulty intelligence, now? --
Chalabi's group claims he's off the dole as of June. No more monthly $300,000 payments. But I'm curious - why won't the Pentagon confirm it?

"Significant Adverse Effects" --
Newsweek finds that people who worked or lived near Ground Zero are even sicker. Remember how the White House hurried everyone back to business and school, assuring all that the air was safe to breathe? Daily Kos helpfully reminds us of that highly edited report here.


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