Monday, December 19, 2005

The I-Word, Part 2

At least I'm in pretty good company (what I've always said about those of us on the margins of one system or another): here's what Karen Kwiatkowski had to say about the possibility of impeachment. Listen up:

In my opinion, we need to fight, resist, refuse to subsidize Washington in every way, and we must immediately begin impeachment proceedings against this particular president, not only because he has clearly earned impeachment, but in order to revive a national awareness of the intent of the Founding Fathers to circumscribe centralized state power, and their vision of a free and peaceful Republic.

This comes from a truthout piece by William Rivers Pitt. You'll have to ignore the final paragraph, in which he credits Solomon with the writing of the book of Proverbs -- not quite as egregious as Howard Dean's locating Job in the New Testament. The attribution to Solomon, which biblical scholars uniformly understand to be apocryphal, is just one more example of what happens when you take the scriptures literally.


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